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Jonathan Lemkin Sponsors Mr. Hotwheels

“Excited af to announce that I’m officially a Unnaturals Labs athlete! Thank you guys for this huge opportunity you guys are giving me and thank you Jonathan Lemkin for being real since day one!”

When Javier Vazquez was 15, he was shot twice at Pat Hurley Park in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The bullets shattered his spine, leaving him paralyzed in his legs and lower body.

Despite this injury, Javier remained dedicated himself to living life as passionately as possible. He found a passion in bodybuilding, giving himself the name Mr. Hotwheels. He is now a PCA bodybuilder and has recently taken first place in his division.

It’s amazing to see the dedication of this individual and his perseverance in the face of life’s circumstances. Jonathan is happy to now have him as part of the Unnaturals Labs family.

Jonathan Lemkin gives back at Skid Row

“It’s best to keep your ego in your back pocket because you never know when you could get kicked off the throne.”

Jonathan Lemkin has always believed in giving back to the community when he achieved success for himself, and today he did just that at Skid Row in Los Angeles. Skid Row has over 2,000 citizens without shelter, and today Jonathan and his crew offered them food, water, and haircuts.

“Today we’re just giving back and bringing awareness to certain issues that affect us everyday such as mental illness and homelessness, and we’re just hear to uplift, so we’re giving out water, food, and haircuts, to people in need.” Jonathan had foregone the fitness expos this year instead to bring his supplement company to the streets of Los Angeles. “Not everybody is as lucky as you and I”, Jonathan states, “Some of us could end up here…I feel like your brain could attack you at any time. It could happen to a CEO, an actress, the average Joe, it could happen to anybody.”

One thing that had always bothered Jonathan since he moved to Los Angeles was the homeless condition. “Not everybody here is a drug addict, some people are just less fortunate”, he mentions. He lamented the fact that people could care more about animals while simultaneously stepping over homeless people they saw on the street.

The Unnaturals movement was created on the foundation of the truth, but Jonathan believes that one of its tenets is giving back to the community. Being Unnatural isn’t just going beyond natural barriers in your fitness and lifestyle, it’s having the capability to give back at unprecedented levels.

“We’re all climbing the ladder of success”, Jonathan says. “But this is about taking a detour and keeping it real.”

Jonathan Lemkin and the Unnatural Movement.

Jonathan Lemkin is the founder and CEO of Unnaturals Labs, which is a fitness and supplements company based in Delray Beach, FL. They carry high-quality supplements for both men and women, as well as self-branded fitness apparel.

Jonathan Lemkin Is Taking The $32B Supplement Industry By Storm

A brand called the UnNaturals isn’t an obvious choice for a supplement company. However, for Lemkin, it’s a truth the fitness industry desperately needs.

Jonathan Lemkin on the current state of the fitness industry.

According to Forbes, the market for health and fitness industry is valued at $30 billion in the U.S. and has been growing by at least 3 – 4% annually for the last ten years. What is shocking is, it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Currently, about 20% of American adults have a fitness club membership.

Jonathan Lemkin Supports Fallen Patriot Fund

Jonathan Lemkin had always been a proud American and supporter of the military and its veterans. “It is thanks to the members of the military that we are able to enjoy the freedoms that we have, and to offer my support to them I’ve chosen to donate to the Fallen Patriot Fund“, he says. The Fallen Patriot Fund was created by the Mark Cuban Foundation to help families of military personnel who were killed or injured during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

The Children of Fallen Patriot Fund also provides scholarships to military children who had lost their parents in the line of duty. The CEO David Kim was inspired to create this program after serving alongside Sergeant William Delaney Gibbs, who was killed in Operation Just Cause in Panama. Gibbs left behind a wife and unborn daughter, and David Kim wanted to never forget the sacrifice made by Sergeant Gibbs. The goal of the program is to ensure that every child from these circumstances can receive college funding.

Besides donating to this foundation, Jonathan continues to support veterans in his daily life. His supplement company Unnaturals Labs sponsors many former service members, including those who were injured on the battlefield. Remembering those who sacrificed everything is something he deeply believes in.

Jonathan Lemkin Supports the NYPD

We recently interviewed self-made entrepreneur Jonathan Lemkin about his efforts in charitable giving. Jonathan Lemkin is 43 years old and resides in Los Angeles. Being a former police officer, he chooses to offer support for the NYPD. “One cause I strongly believe in is the New York City Police Foundation”, he mentions. “I’m from New York and the NYPD has always been a positive role model for me.”

The New York City Police Foundation was founded in 1971 as an independent, non-profit organization to support the NYPD. They are the only organization that raises funds on behalf of the NYPD and all donations to the foundation go towards assisting the NYPD in improving public safety.

Because over 90% of the NYPD budget is targeted to funding personnel, there are usually few resources left for extra programs. As a former police officer, Jonathan Lemkin understands the importance of providing additional support to NYPD programs so that they can better help the community. “I understand the dedication these officers put towards the community and that the risks they take to help others, in some cases even giving their own lives”, Jonathan says. “As a former police officer I knew I had to offer my support to these brave workers who are making the best efforts to keep us safe.”

One of the programs Jonathan has supported is the Neighborhood Policing program. The purpose of this program is for the NYPD to build trust with the local community and to support community activities. The program creates partnerships within the community where 650 community leaders serve as liaisons between police and neighborhood residents. The foundation also sponsors events and meetings to educated the public in effective methods of neighborhood policing.

Jonathan has contributed to the New York Police Foundation’s Crime Stoppers program. The New York Police Department also has a rewards program known as Crime Stoppers, offering rewards of up to $2,500 for anonymous information that leads to the arrest or indictment of violent felons. “What’s amazing about the program is the clear results it has achieved since it’s inception, an anonymous tip led to the arrest of the perpetrator of a murder from over 22 years ago”, Jonathan states. “The program since 1983 has been over to offer over $2,000,000 in total rewards and I’m proud to be able to be a part of that.”

As an entrepreneur Jonathan believes in the importance of giving back to others. “Once you become successful it’s important to give back to the community”, he says. Law enforcement has played a helpful role in my life by teaching me discipline and making sacrifices to help others, and they continue to play an active role in my life by keeping me and my family safe.” Jonathan looks forward to expanding his business ventures further so that he can make a larger impact on supporting the NYPD and other police organizations around the nation. “I’ve become very busy with the 5 businesses that I’m running but in the end there’s always going to be time for charity”, he says. “I’d like to keep supporting those who make America great, our law enforcement, veterans, and other servicemen.”

Jonathan Lemkin’s Booth Top Rated at Fix Expo 2019

Jonathan Lemkin attended the LA Fit Expo in January of 2019, showcasing his products from his supplement company Unnaturals Labs.

The booth was voted the top booth of the entire event. It featured major influencers like Jon Skywalker, Jerdani Kraja, as well as sponsored athlete Wheysted Martini.

Having Trump and Hillary present was one of the main highlights of the event. The two brought many spectators, who laughed and took photos of the two. The booth was staged like a presidential setting, with podiums and flags throughout.

Visitors of the booth had the chance to try out Trenrage shots, an innovative idea from Mr. Lemkin himself. Trenrage is the latest pre-workout from Unnaturals Labs, and at the booth they were available in the form of shots from a syringe. Containing 6 grams of L-Citrulline, this was much stronger than anything the competition had to offer.

The Unnaturals Labs booth saw large success from its unique branding and patriotic theme, as well as the form of products that were present. Jonathan’s goal is to continue to offer the best experience for new and older customers.

Jonathan Lemkin’s Passion For Supplements Sparks A Sucessful Business

Jonathan Lemkin, 30, loves having the freedom to guide his own business and doesn’t want anyone else to control his brand, even though he has had offers from buyers. “I value my brand and being able to shape it towards my vision. ” he says, “I don’t trust anyone else to be able to provide the same level of quality products and customer service.”

Lemkin, who lives in Los Angeles, is the head of, a site that sells nutritional supplements. The success of the business, which he runs under the company Unnaturals Labs, is due to his personal investment and the daily personal care he puts into cultivating the company.

“To me, customer service is more important than expanding too rapidly,” Lemkin said when we spoke recently. “I never I felt that I needed anything fancy like a big house or expensive cars. I am not against anyone who chooses that lifestyle, but my ultimate focus is on helping people achieve their fitness goals by providing high quality products for them”

Lemkin makes up a small percentage of entrepeneurs, those who were able to become successful without a traditional employment structure. Instead of following the standard business model, certain entrepreneurs like Lemkin tap into the creativity of contractors, having a vast network available that can help him build his visions into reality.

Lemkin became passionate about the fitness industry while he was a police officer, finding inspiration from bodybuilders such as Rich Piana. “I found that Rich Piana and his competing inspired me to increase my understanding of bodybuilding and form my own supplement company.” he wrote to me in an email following our phone call. He found inspiration from other bodybuilders such as Rich Piana. “I found that Rich Piana and his competing inspired me to increase my understanding of bodybuilding and form my own supplement company.” he wrote to me in an email following our phone call.

Lemkin started one year ago because of many goals he had: He wanted to teach others how to achieve fitness and bulk up, he wanted to provide high quality supplements to his customers, and he wanted to dispel false notions in the industry. “As I started bodybuilding, I realized supplement companies put out a lot of myths and half-truths,” he says. “There is a lot of information out there on supplementation but no one knows what is real and what’s not.” By supporting the truth instead of following along with others, Lemkin has sometimes come under critcism and been personally attacked. However, he believes in the value of the truth even in the face of adversity, “People are often told things about products that aren’t true or they are purposely given the wrong information. My belief is to make high quality products but not to make any extraordinary claims beyond what they are capable of.  My following deserves to know the truth behind the industry.”

Lemkin was already a seasoned entrepreneur at the time of founding Unnaturals Labs. While developing his passion for bodybuilding, he founded The Unnaturals, a company selling fitness based t-shirts. Afterwards he saw the need for a supplement company and began to found Unnaturals Labs. Both businesses had one thing in common: He relied on independent contractors to help the businesses grow. In the case of both business, Lemkin hired web developers, designers, markets, and other experts to ensure the growth of the company. “Whenever something is going successfully, I bring in contractors to run it more attentively,” he says. “I pay them fairly, let them run it, but I make sure that the core vision is maintained.” Jon believes that retaining a majority stake and not compromising on his ideals is the key to the continued success of his business. “The next step is to sponsor athletes and market my products at industry events such as Mr. Olympia,”, he says. “The Unnaturals way of life is about freedom and truth. Regardless of your goals, whether natural or unnatural, we continue to provide top-quality products to help you achieve your goals and to unleash your unnatural potential!”

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